

Snapchat has introduced a feature called Snapchat Planets. However, this feature is available only for those people who have a Snapchat+ subscription. You cannot use the Planets feature if you have a regular free Snapchat account.

Know about its Meaning

Know about its Order

Know about its Usage

In the Friends Solar system, you can see what planet you are ranked as on each friend’s profile. For example, if you see you are the Mars planet on a friend’s profile, that means you are their 4th closest friend.

In March 2023, Snapchat has added a new feature called Snapchat Planets. This feature is now only available in 27 countries like the USA, UK, and Canada. And it’s only for people who pay for Snapchat Plus membership.

Snapchat Planets system works like our solar system, where planets move around the sun. In this feature, you are shown as a planet on your friend’s profile based on his or her interaction with you.

If you don’t understand how this new Snapchat feature works, don’t worry. This article will explain it in simple words. It will tell you the order of the planets and what each one means. There are some quick questions and answers(FAQ) about Snapchat Planets at the end for those in a hurry. But if you have time, read the whole article to learn more about this exciting new feature.

By the end, you’ll understand how Snapchat Planets works and why it’s special for Snapchat Plus members. Let’s get started!

What Do Snapchat Planets Mean?

Snapchat Planets, also known as the friend solar system, is a new feature for Snapchat Plus users. If this feature is turned on, you can see your position represented as a planet in your friend’s profile. The position depends on how much your friend interacts with you, which means how much he or she shares snaps with you.

For example, if you are planet Mercury in your friend’s profile, then you are his/her best friend, and he/she chats and shares snaps with you the most.

Snapchat planets’ order is the same as our solar system’s order. We all have learned about our solar system in school; if you have forgotten the order, I suggest you throw away your phone, take your young brother or sister’s astronomy book, and read.

Jokes apart, in this article, I have provided the details of the order of Snapchat Planets, so don’t go anywhere; keep reading this. There are 8 planets in total in this system. Their order from closest to furthest represents your closeness to each friend.

This feature helps you easily see who your closest Snapchat friends are based on how frequently you communicate with them. However, Snapchat Planets is only available for people who pay for Snapchat+, which is a subscription service. If you don’t have Snapchat+, you cannot use this feature.

The planets in Snapchat show your closest friends. But this can be different for each person.

David is your number 1 best friend. But for David, his number one best friend may be John. This is because David has shared the most snaps with John, not you, but you have shared the most snaps with David.
So, for you, David is planet Mercury (your closest friend). But for David, you are not planet Mercury. His planet Mercury is John since he snaps with John the most.

The planets show who you snap with the most. They show who could be your very best friend.

Snap Inc., in one of its articles, clarified that this ranking is not a numerical ranking, and this system is not introduced to develop insecurities between friends, partners, etc.

What is Snapchat Planets Order?

Snapchat Planets Order consists of the following planets –

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune

But just knowing the order doesn’t make you well-versed with each planet, so let’s learn about each planet in detail.




Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun in our solar system. Just like that, if you are Mercury in your friend’s profile, then you are his #1BFF. The bitmoji of Mercury is in a faded red colour. There are five small heart shapes and two tiny star shapes around it. The hearts and stars make it look special, just as you are important to your friend.



Venus is the second planet from the Sun. If you are Venus in your friend’s profile, then you are his second best friend. You are the person your friend interacts with the most after his closest friend. The bitmoji of Venus has a yellow-white color. There are different coloured heart shapes around Venus. The hearts and colours make Venus look very nice.



The third planet is Earth. On Snapchat, Earth represents your third best friend. This is the person you snap with third, most often after your top two best friends.
The picture of Earth looks like the real planet Earth. It has the same blue and green colours. There is also a moon shown behind Earth. Around Earth, there are small red heart shapes and little star shapes.
The way Earth is coloured and decorated with the moon, hearts, and stars makes it look special. This shows that your third best friend is still important to you, even if you don’t snap with them as much as your top two friends.



Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. On Snapchat, Mars represents your fourth closest friend. This is the person you snap with after your three closest friends.
In the picture, Mars looks like a red planet. There are little stars around it. There are also purple and blue heart shapes surrounding Mars.
The red colour of Mars, along with the stars and coloured hearts, makes Mars look special and important in the picture. This shows that even though this is your fourth closest friend, they are still good friends you value and snap with frequently.



The planet Jupiter represents your fifth closest friend on Snapchat. This is because Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun in our solar system.
In the Snapchat picture, Jupiter looks reddish-orange in colour. It has dark orange stripe patterns across it, just like the real planet Jupiter. There are also little star shapes revolving or moving around the planet.
By making Jupiter a reddish-orange colour with stripes and moving stars, the picture makes this planet look unique and noticeable. This shows that even though this friend is your fifth closest, they are still an important friend to you that you snap with regularly.



Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun in our solar system. On Snapchat, Saturn represents your sixth closest friend. This is the person you snap with after your five closest friends.
In the picture, Saturn looks orange in colour. It has the famous rings around it, just like the real planet Saturn. There are also some little star shapes near Saturn.
By showing Saturn’s distinct ring and the stars nearby, the picture makes this planet look special. Even though this friend is your sixth closest, the way Saturn is drawn shows that this friend still matters to you. You snap with them regularly, though not as much as your top five friends.



Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun in our solar system. On Snapchat, the planet Uranus represents your seventh closest friend. This is the person you snap with after your six closest friends.
In the picture, Uranus is shown as a green-coloured planet. However, unlike the pictures for some of the other planets, there are no heart shapes or other decorations around Uranus.
The green colour of Uranus makes it stand out, but the lack of hearts or other shapes around it makes it look more plain compared to the other planets. This likely means that while this is still one of your closest friends that you snap with regularly, they are not quite as close as your top several friends represented by the inner planets.



Neptune is the eighth and final planet in our solar system. On Snapchat, the planet Neptune represents your eighth closest friend. This is the person you snap with the least compared to your other close friends.
In the picture, Neptune is shown as a blue planet. However, the description says there is no love or life shown on this “desolate” or empty blue planet.
By making Neptune plain blue with nothing decorating it, the picture makes this planet look lonely and unimportant compared to the other planets representing closer friends.

How Does Snapchat Planets System Work?

How Does Snapchat Planets System Work

The Planets feature on Snapchat shows your closest friends, ranked by how many snaps you’ve sent to each person. But you must pay for Snapchat+ to access this feature.


Imagine you are Sam, and you have three close friends – Alex, Riley, and Jordan.

Over time, you have sent:

  • 9,200 snaps to Alex
  • 7,100 snaps to Riley
  • 6,300 snaps to Jordan

Thus, Alex would be represented by the planet Mercury because you snapped Alex the most out of your friends.

Riley would be the planet Venus since Riley is your second-most snapped friend.

Jordan would be the planet Earth, being your third-most frequently snapped friend.

I recommend you watch the below video to learn more about this feature –

How to Find Your Ranking in a Friend’s Profile?

The planets on Snapchat show how close you are to your friends. One nice thing is you can see where you are in a friend’s list. To know your position, please follow the below steps –


  • Open the Snapchat app on your phone
  • Go to the friends list
  • Tap on the friend you want to check

Then, look for a badge next to their name:

  • A “best friend” badge with a yellow circle means you are one of their top 8 closest friends shown as a planet.
  • A “friend” badge with a yellow circle means you are in their top 8, but they are not in your top 8.
  • No badge means you are not one of their top 8 closest friends.

If you see a badge to know your planet, do this:

  • Click on the badge
  • A new window will pop up showing which planet you are for that friend
  • For example, if you are Earth, you are their 3rd closest friend

What is Snapchat+?

Snapchat+ is a paid subscription service that Snapchat introduced in July 2022. It costs $3.99 per month. Snapchat+ has many extra features:

  • You can choose your #1 best friend and keep them pinned at the top.
  • You can see if someone rewatched your stories.
  • You can change the app icon to special designs. New icons are added regularly.
  • You can change the background in your chat conversations.
  • A Snapchat+ badge will show on your profile for others to see.
  • You can pick custom sounds for your notifications.
  • On Android devices, you can use a dark mode in the app.

So in simple terms, Snapchat+ lets you customize the app more and get some extra capabilities, but you have to pay a monthly fee to access those bonus features. The regular free Snapchat does not include those customizations.

How to Get a Snapchat Plus Subscription?

The planets feature is not free. You must pay for a Snapchat Plus subscription. If you don’t know how to get it, follow these easy steps:

  • Open the Snapchat app on your phone
  • Tap on your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • You will see a Snapchat+ banner; tap on it
  • There are 3 plan choices – 1 Month, 6 Months, 1 Year
  • Pick your plan and tap “Start Free Trial.”
  • Enter your payment information
  • Close and restart Snapchat to use Plus features

The good thing is the free 7-day trial. You can try all the Plus features for 7 days. If you like them, you pay after 7 days. If not, you can cancel.

The planets feature is no longer automatic with Plus. After subscribing, you must manually turn on the planets yourself. Read this article to know why it is now an “opt-in” feature.

The planets feature is no longer automatic with Plus. After subscribing, you must manually turn on the planets yourself. Read this article to know why it is now an “opt-in” feature.

Please refer to the below table to know about the plus subscription cost –

CountryMonthly6 MonthsYearly
IndiaRs. 49Rs. 279Rs. 499
United Kingdom£3.99£21.99£39.99
United States$3.99$21.99$39.99

This website is not officially connected to or approved by Snap Inc., the company that owns Snapchat. It is simply an educational site to give users information about Snapchat’s newest features. All logos and images on this site belong to their respective owners, not this website. To learn more details about this website itself, please visit this page.

Final Notes

Overall, the Snapchat Planets feature helps us see who our closest friends are based on who we snap and share memories with the most. I tried my best to explain all the details about how it works.

I hope this gave you all the important information you need to understand the Planets feature. However, if you think more information should be added, you can always contact me.

There is always room for improvement. If any part was unclear or you need any additional details explained in a simpler way, feel free to reach out. I’m happy to provide more clarification to make sure you fully understand this Snapchat feature.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do the planets mean on Snapchat?

The planets on Snapchat show your closest friends. The planets are ranked just like the real planets in our solar system. The friend you snap and interact with the most is represented by the first planet, Mercury, and so on.

How Much Snapchat+ Subscription Costs?

It will cost you $3.99 per month.

Is the Snapchat Planets Feature Available for free?

No, it is not available for free.

How many planets are there in Snapchat’s planets system?

On Snapchat, there are 8 planets that represent your closest friends. This is called your “friend solar system.”
